Surgery coming up!

Well June 7th will be here before I know it!  With being sick twice recently, I must admit I'm quite nervous.  So in case people didn't see what is going to happen, here's the plan!

June 7th, I will have surgery to get the first type of trach put in that I had.  It's called a "Shiley".  That type of trach just goes in the hole in my neck and down; whereas the one I have now is like a "t" and acts as a stent to hold open the area of my trachea that keeps growing shut.  Dr. Gray is willing to try this now that I have been off the steroids for around two months with no side effects!  Yay!  Although, she did tell me she's hopeful this will work, she does have concerns it won't because the last time she changed this trach out, the tissue did grow right up to the tube.  

So, I will see her one week after surgery ( the tissue would previously have grown shut by then ).  And, she already has a surgery spot scheduled for two weeks out to get a "t" tube put back in (the kind of trach I have now).  IF the surgery on the 7th works, she will be able to fully take the trach tube OUT and she will do in office steroid injections to keep the tissue from continuing to grow.  This would honestly be my DREAM COME TRUE!!!  

IF the surgery doesn't work, in late summer, early fall (after Rutabaga 🤣), I will have to have the reconstruction surgery on my trachea.  If I need this surgery I asked Dr. Gray how long I would be in the hospital because I know this is a major surgery after doing some research.  Her response in a very serious tone, staring me straight in the eyes "for a normal patient one week, for you please plan on several weeks". Several weeks?!?!  I mean I know I'm not the average patient, but geez.  After all the surgeries I've had, we know now I don't always come out of anesthesia well.  I don't want to have to have that surgery.  I don't want to be in the hospital several weeks.  

I am hoping and praying so hard this first one works.  I'm trying any inflammation reducing anything I can right now, and I'm honestly starting to get a little nervous for the 7th.  Not for having surgery because lord knows how many surgeries I've been through, that parts a breeze!  I'm nervous about it working!  

I've waited so so long for this.  I want it so so badly.  


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