Here we go again 😭

It's been a while since I posted anything.  But, most of you have followed me on FB so I guess that's good enough I feel.  Although, maybe taking a break from that is good too.  So, I got a new endocrinologist from the U of M since that's where all my surgeries are we felt it would be easiest since they have to stress dose me during surgery and then usually taper me after.  Well she did labs one after I had been on them and my cortisol levels were good so she said, you don't have adrenal insufficiency according to your labs.  You should be able to come off them fine.  And wanted me to go off them, no tapering.  So I followed Drs orders.  I guess I'm not exactly sure how long it took, but I ended up very sick, like usual and in the ER, and we told them we knew what was happening so they drew labs BEFORE giving me steroids in my IV.  Gave me fluids and steroids and I started to wake up.  Symptoms pretty much resolved.  The ER doc (my new doc, who is really good) told me I would be tired a while for it to work back into my system, which I have found out.  I messaged my new endocrinologist at the U what had happened.  She looked at my labs which had now gone below adrenal insufficiency level (according to her) and said they will need to do more testing to see if I truly have it, but to stay on the steroids until I see her again February 14th.  

Honestly, all this messing around with meds kills my body.  If you have ever been on steroids you may know.  I have been up and down and up and down so many times.  I have now gained 2.8 lbs just since being back on them a week.  Ughhhh.  It's hard enough to losw weight.  But when you have everyone entraining it in your mind about getting your trach out it honestly seems like it makes it so much harder.  I try to be the most positive person, because well I feel like I need to be for myself and my boys.  But sometimes, it's truly hard.  Sometimes I think, maybe if the doctors would just be as positive as me, then that would trickle down 🤣.  

I would have to say though I sure do love resting on these cold days with a cuddly pug by me!  A lot of the time they want to play, but just like when Frito was alive they seem to know when I'm sick and in bed and want to cuddle ❣️. I am also so grateful that so many people look out for me.  Right before I got sick, Mike Bigner, who comes in often, came in and said "Ann, you don't look so good, you look so tired." He knew.  And, I guess I did too, but chose to ignore it because I didn't want to believe it and wanted it to work.  And we'll, doctors know everything right? Lol.  

So, for now, I'm back on the dose I was on before she took me off, 10 in the morning and 10 at noon.  So, we will see what happens on the 14th! 


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