Update, since a lot of people are asking.

Well, I thought I'd put it all in one place.  So I don't really remember much of yesterday.  So, here it goes.  I went to work, early.  Feeling fine, although I've been tired lately, more than usual.  I guess that should have beeny first clue.  Along with diarrhea lately.  But the tiredness I just thought it was the heat lately.  When I got to work I remember setting up the barricades for the farmers market, then going back into the office and feeling lightheaded.  So I walked across Main Street to my boss, Stacy's office.  That's all I remember.  From there her mom, called her and told her to come and Stacy said she asked me if I wanted to take me to the ER or if I wanted her to call the ambulance and she said I just stared at her, so she said that was her answer.  I pretty much then went unresponsive.  The ambulance was called and I was taken in.  The next thing I remember was Nikki Huber talking to me telling me I scared her.  She is an amazing provider and has seen me several times and doesn't get scared with me and my trach like some others do who aren't familiar with me lol.  I was given fluids and steroids in my IV, and after that is when I started to wake up.  Assuming maybe my cortisol level went too low.  Back on steroids I go 😭😭😭.  This is the LAST thing I want to do.  I hate being on steroids, absolutely HATE it.  Today I've done a lot of napping and resting.  But I'm definitely not "out of it" like I was yesterday.  I'm trying to remember what really happened and I can't.  Apparently they drew ABGs because I have a nice bruise in that area 😂.  Thank God I made it over to Stacy's office or who knows how long it would have taken for someone to find me at the Chamber.  Tomorrow I go to see my Dr to see what happens next.  Thank goodness for Nikki and Kate at the hospital.  Kate was my Angel when I first got sick as my nurse and now I would trust her with my life as my Dr coming into the Er.  Nikki, has saved me several times as well.  I just don't know what I'd do without those two.  ❤️. Kind of scary when I think back, but then I just take another nap 😂.


  1. Ann, I am contacting more prayer warriors to lift you up and pray. There is a mighty God that holds you close!


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