Wayyyyyy to long!!!!!!

Wow, I've decided it's been way too long since I've updated this! Although, I think most of you read my FB posts.  Maybe this is just for me to have for future reference, who knows 🤷‍♀️.  So much has changed.  

Of course, more health stuff.  I got sick again the very end of February as most of you know.  Was at the U of M over night.  They put me on antibiotics for pneumonia gave me fluids, started me back on steroids.  Felt good for a couple of days.  Got sick again.  Saw my primary.  Hit me with a stronger antibiotic because now I had a discharge from around my trach, which is unusual for me.  Got more IV fluids, steroids increased.  Felt better for a while.  Then I didn't.  In and out of the Dr.  Both my primary and my trach Dr and the Er getting fluids, increasing steroids, tests done.  I ended up with RSV.  An adult can get RSV, but normally it's just like a cold for them.  Of course, not me.  It had me knocked down and knocked down good.  I slept, and coughed terrible.  I couldn't walk from my couch to the bathroom which is maybe 10 steps in our townhouse without getting short of breath.  I was throwing up.  So, I got put on scheduled Zofran.  It was just a mess.

But now for 4 days I'd say I feel myself again!!  Finally!!!  They haven't started decreasing my steroids yet so I still feel puffy, but I'll get there.  

My family and Leif have been the best.  They have all helped with the boys, and me.  Tricia also, she checks on me daily! My work team at the Chamber! I can't say ENOUGH good things about them!!!  They are seriously the BEST PEOPLE to work for and with!   Bring it on Spring!  I'm ready!!!


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