Calling All Prayer Warriors🙏❤️

This week I got a call from the U of M weight management team that they scheduled a date for my gastric sleeve surgery!!!  Yayyyy!!!!  I said "oh my gosh, insurance covered it????"  She said, "not yet now that we have a date in place, we can send it to insurance."  So, the date is scheduled for September 28th.  And, she thinks we will hear in about 2 to 3 weeks.  Since I got that call on Wednesday, I have had so many other calls with all these other appointments scheduled!  Pre ops, post ops, dieticians, pharmacists (because I'm on so many other meds lol) and of course a covid test.  So please, please say a prayer that this gets covered by insurance.  I need this surgery to speed up the weight loss process so I am able to have the tracheal resection surgery sooner, so I can get this trach out!  I will update as soon as I hear anything!  

Thank you all so much for your prayers, love and support!  You have NO IDEA how much it means to my family and I ❤️


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