T-Tube Post Op Day 5-Discharge Day

Bright and early at 630 this morning the ENT Team (not Dr. Gray) came in to do rounds.  They did the scope from the nose and from in the trach.  Everything is WIDE OPEN!!!  HALLELUJAH!!!!!  I am still hoarse and still have the ear pain.  And they believe the raspy voice is from just my body getting used to talking again.  My ear pain is probably from surgery.  In surgery they do something I can't remember what he said but can cause ear drum pain.  So, that's figured out!  Im just so happy to see that im wide open and clear!!!!

I can't wait to get home to see my kids, continue working on my weight loss and just be able to recover from this step forward.  

I was discharged at about 1145!  Mom and Dad came to pick me up.  It is the best feeling ever better!  We got home just in time for me to be able to go pick the kids up from school!  It was so fun Jack didn't know I was getting him and as soon as he saw me outside the school he RAN up to me and gave me the biggest hug ever!!!!  It was just amazing!!!  Dom knew because I told him but he was still so happy to see me with a huge smile on his face!  And they were both so excited with how well I could talk!  

The next best thing was working with Jack on his reading tonight. Guys, it has been since December of 2019 since I've been able to read a book to Jack.  Tonight I was able to do that.  It was THE MOST AMAZING feeling in the world.  

Now I have to go and organize all of my new stuff I have to work with!  Thank you all so much from the bottom of my heart for all the continued prayers and support through this surgery!  Hopefully only a couple left and my trach will be completely gone!!!!


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