T-Tube Post Op Day 4
Hmmm. Today has been more difficult. Right away this morning my voice was really good! We thought awesome! It worked waking up during the night to do the nebs and the lavage! Well as the day has gone on every so often my voice has gotten a little hoarse. We are hoping it is just that it is dry in here. I keep flushing down the water and eating popsicles! I also seem more tired today. But that is hopefully just due to recent major surgery, being in a hospital room for 4 days, etc.
My breathing is still good. I still have the pain when I cough, and my ears still hurt occasionally.
My ENT has my nebs ordered so different and so specifically that some of the RT'S still don't believe me when I say one has to go through my mouth and one through my trach. One said to me today, I've done this for 24 years but I suppose it doesn't pay to argue, even though all I said was "that is supposed to go through my trach, I know it sounds weird". Ugh, it gets frustrating! It is that way in the orders for a reason!
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