It’s been a while
Some people may be wondering why I haven’t posted on Facebook lately, because well I’m a pretty regular poster. To be truthful, I have been very sleepy since my last surgery. Like, I sleep all night and you could say most of the day. Ok pretty much all day. I went down to the U for my stress test on my heart and I’m guessing everything must have looked good because in the medical world no news is good news!
I haven’t been sick at all just sleep all the time. I wish I could give some of it to people who have a hard time sleeping! Tomorrow is Halloween. I think back to last years Halloween and I was in the CCU at Mayo in Rochester. I sure have come a long way since then! I can breathe! I just wish I could get off this prednisone. It makes me so mad sometimes. It’s really terrible to not even have the energy to shower. Or to make a meal, or the energy to just stay awake for a couple of hours. Not even do anything, just stay awake. I really don’t like it. I know I should be happy with my progress and whatnot. I just feel like I’m missing out on my boys life once again just like a year ago.
With all the new high covid cases in our area, and my upcoming surgeries, I’m going to try my hardest to just stay home whenever possible. My mom has been doing grocery shopping for me, but sometimes if I need just a quick few things last minute I run to the store. My ENT is working on getting me a little better quality filter to go on the end of my trach so hopefully I am able to get this. One good thing if I did get covid is I already have an airway in place for a vent. Would I survive it? Who knows? I think so, I mean I’m otherwise healthy, and I feel I’m obviously pretty determined and here for a reason. I proved that last August. 😊
So November 18th is lucky #7. Happy Hallows Eve to everyone!
Ps..the picture is from 1 year ago!!!
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