Home with answers!!!
Well I’m finally back at mom and dads! I had my laser and dilation and steroid injection surgery yesterday. Surgery time took double than what it was supposed to, around 4 hours instead of 2. I was 100% closed when she went in, as we saw on the CT scan done. She was able to make a 6mm hole opened up. When she started, she put an NG tube in and BAM the stomach bile started flowing and flowed all through the surgery. There shouldn’t have been any because I didn’t eat since the night before surgery. So, in easiest terms...there is a flap that is supposed to hold all that stomach fluid in, well mine is obviously not working. So all this stomach bile reflux stuff is coming up my esophagus and spilling over into my trachea creating all the scar tissue! This she feels is the whole problem after doing the reflux probe thing down my nose about a month ago and the findings during surgery. So, she will have me do a consult with a surgeon she has worked with before at sacred heart on this issue and I will be having a stomach surgery to fix the flap and my laser and dilation surgery possibly at the same time. I also am to follow this strict reflux diet and absolutely no pop. It’s just crazy that all that can happen from reflux I’ve never even felt but that’s because it doesn’t come all the way up just spills over into my trachea! There are answers and a plan and it’s fixable!!! I am so incredibly happy!!! I’m not sure when the consult with general surgery will be but she is thinking soon.
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