Happy New Year!!!

Well, to say I'm ready for a new year is an understatement.  I am so thankful to go into this year being able to breathe.  Although,  learning to live with a trach is NOT the easiest.  I can't talk quite yet, which is really hard. 

Christmas day we had a scare.  I started coughing, a lot.  There was some bright red blood (maybe a little more than a little) that was coming out of my trach and I couldn't stop coughing and catch my breath.  Mom called 911 and thank goodness for the Cumberland Ambulance and first responders that came out.  I was greeted at the Cumberland ER with many people waiting to take care of me.  It was decided that with me having a trach and the bleeding I had to go back to sacred heart.  So, off I was on an ambulance again, the last thing I wanted on Christmas Day. 

At sacred heart I was diagnosed with pneumonia.  So back on steroids and antibiotics I went.  But, the good news was there wasn't anything wrong with the trach! 

This past Monday I saw my doctor that did the tracheostomy.  Everything looked great and now, on the 20th I see his partner for consults for the next surgeries to get rid of the scar tissue!  He said it will take at least 2 surgeries and it may grow back because we don't know why it happened in the first place.  But, you guys have no idea how good it feels to just breathe.  To be able to walk to the kitchen  without having to sit because I am so short of breath, it just amazes me. 

So, last night was rough.  I cried.  I miss my old self, being able to care for myself at the age of 37, having to rely on others, but soon I will be back and better than ever!!!


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