Has anyone suffered hair loss due to trauma, meds or autoimmune disease? Do you have any tips for me? I used to have such thick hair and these pics are after the 5th time of taking it off my brush and my fingers....
It's been a really long last couple of weeks. I went and saw the ENT that is filling in for Dr. Gray while she is on Maternity leave. She had a baby boy, all is well but gosh I wish she had been back for my appointment to clean my trach out. The fill in Dr was an older Dr who has been in on my surgeries before because, well I'm a fun case of course. He scoped my trach, and said "wow, you take really really good care of your trach!" Yes, yes I do. I'm kind of OCD about it. I've seen really bad ones at work and in clinicals 😂😂. He said, just some minor daily cleaning and it looks great! Well, what he didn't know was that we had just done deep cleaning at work, and I was literally on the ground dusting. I offered to do this because I knew I was going to go and get my trach cleaned out GOOD that day 😭😭😭. Before he left he said make sure you have an appointment scheduled with Dr. Gray for when she comes back. I sure do! S...
It's 3 AM. Im currently still awake and I just got done repositioning Jack for probably the 7th time tonight. Yes, I have all of my health "stuff" but right now, obviously my main concern is Jack. I mean, as much pain as I watch him in, I have sat here and thought tonight, am I wrong to be so sad for him as this is nothing compared to what so many other kids face daily like cancer, or quadriplegia? Yes, he is in a ton of pain, but his can be fixed and I can comfort him. There are so many other parents who can't "fix" their children. It just makes me sad. Then I go on to think: ok, I'm now off of work until he is able to have surgery so I can take care of him, because of obviously nights like this. And, all during the day the same thing happens. How the heck am I going to afford all of anything? This poor kid, he feels so bad for needing help, Everytime he asks me for help, he apologizes...
Hi Everyone! So I'm trying this "blogging" thing out! I will be keeping friends and family up to date here on my health. I feel some people probably don't want to look at it on Facebook, and this way if you want to know how I am doing, you need to come read to find out! So, for my first "blog" I will start way back from the beginning just incase some don't know what exactly is going on. On the weekend of August 9th, I was camping with my parents in Osseo, prior to this for several weeks I hadn't been feeling the greatest, but had decided it was probably allergies. On August 10th I was supposed to work night shift at Cumberland Hospital so I went home from camping, still not feeling well I went in to get a rapid strep test done, thinking maybe I had strep throat. This came back negative. I was cut from work due to low census, so I went home and slept. Sunday the 11th I slept most of the day (thinking I would have to work that night and feel...
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