An end in sight?
I know I posted on Facebook what happened with this last surgery, but I know I haven't posted on here in quite a long time. And, since it's (fingers crossed) nearing the end of this particular journey in my life, I thought I'd hop on 😁. I hady last surgery on Wednesday Jan 8th, where we chose to put the "other type" of trach back in. I guess when she asked me about it, it was all so fast I didn't have time to process much. I know this type needs to be in for a little bit before she does the resection surgery, so if we are going through with this soon, hell yes I'll take whatever type you want to give me! The last time we had this type of trach in for a trial, it was very short lived. It didn't sit right in me, it hurt, I had a very hard time breathing, so she put the T-tube back in. This time, after so far it's only had the "pain" from surgery. And whatever it is I'm pushing through it because I want this dang thing out! I...