Goals being achieved 💥

Some people say I am a determined person. I guess I would have to agree. I had goals set put for myself and gosh darn it one way or another I'm going to achieve these! One goal I had was to jog/walk a 5k. ✅ BAM. Another one was to loose 100 lbs ✅ BAM. Doing the 5k I would say I walked more than jogged, but I wasn't thr last person to come in, there were some doozy hills (I mean we were in the mountains), and I still jogged more than I thought I would. The mucus in my trach was probably what was holding me back some. And it's even worse now that I'm home ðŸ˜. I was seriously so cold out there. But I can say I did it! I achieved my goal! Loosing 100 lbs. Gosh this hasn't been easy at all. People probably think oh, she had the surgery, that's why. Let me tell you, that is a TOOL, just like any other dieting technique. I've had stalls, I've gained, I've cried, I've dealt with being back on steroid...