
Showing posts from March, 2020

One Week Post Surgery-Pandemic

Well, today is one week post op for me!  Yay!  I feel great!!!!  I have a voice, I can smell, I can blow on my food to cool it off!  I have been going for daily walks, each day going further and further.  You may wonder if I am worried with all of this Carona Virus stuff.  No, I’m not.  I definitely am one of those people at high risk but, I’m not scared.  I’m being very careful.  I’m not going to any stores or really out in public.  The only place I go is for walks outside:). And, now that I have a voice again I’m able to read with Jack!!  What I worry about is all our local small businesses!  If you are able to, please get to go orders!  Homeschooling, well this is another fun subject. Lol.  Jack who LOVES school I thought would be excited to do homework. Well you know those memes you see on Facebook about homeschooling and your student is expelled or in detention lol, I can relate haha.  It will get better and...

Home with answers!!!

Well I’m finally back at mom and dads!  I had my laser and dilation and steroid injection surgery yesterday. Surgery time took double than what it was supposed to, around 4 hours instead of 2.  I was 100% closed when she went in, as we saw on the CT scan done.  She was able to make a 6mm hole opened up.  When she started, she put an NG tube in and BAM the stomach bile started flowing and flowed all through the surgery.  There shouldn’t have been any because I didn’t eat since the night before surgery.  So, in easiest terms...there is a flap that is supposed to hold all that stomach fluid in, well mine is obviously not working.  So all this stomach bile reflux stuff  is coming up my esophagus and spilling over into my trachea creating all the scar tissue!  This she feels is the whole problem after doing the reflux probe thing down my nose about a month ago and the findings during surgery.  So, she will have me do a consult with a surgeon ...