Spring is Coming

Well, warmer weather has arrived so hopefully that means no more bad weather for my appointments at the U! Today I went to Minneapolis to start my 3 month series of “awake” steroid injections. Dr. Gray has done this in the office before, but has now decided it has to officially be done in a “procedure” room. So, I counted this as #8 for surgeries/procedures at the U, since I had to put a gown on and all! But then when I got in the procedure room and things got going it was really the exact same thing she did in her clinic office previously. So I’ll scratch that. Even though I’m not a fan of the local anesthesia being shoved up my nose for about 45 minutes and then the large scope being shoved down that same nostril into my trach below my vocal cords with the steroids being injected with a needle right into the stenosed area all while I’m awake watching. Pleasant, right? It’s actually pretty cool to watch once you are numb enough! Tha...